
  • The /authorize endpoint (discoverable via the /well-known endpoint) is the primary initiation for a user's verification process via the AXN Gateway integration option. To use this method, you will be generating an "OIDC Authorize URL" and leveraging browser redirects to the verify your users.
  • For more information on AXN Gateway and OIDC in general, see Overview.



  • Since OIDC is an industry standard, we recommend you use your applications default OIDC settings (most modern applications inherently support OIDC and the parameters above so most of these query parameters are out-of-the-box configurations).
  • Ensure the required fields above are filled in via your plugin.


  • Once the URL is generated, simply perform a browser redirect to the URL. The browser will bring you to the IDW screen for the user to perform identity verification (note: if an IDP scope is included, the user will perform authentication at the IDP first).

After completion

  • Once the user completes the IDW flow, a 1 time code will be sent to the Relying Party's redirect URL. The next step in the process continues at the /token call (see


Note: Browser redirect

The above call should be made through a browser, not as a backchannel API call.


Note: Redirect URL

When the user authentication and verification is complete, the response listed above will be sent to your application's Redirect URL.
