Starts batch processing job by BatchID.

FILE_SOURCEDetermines where the output file is stored. Default is S3, but can also specify SFTP upload.
OUTPUT_FILE_FORMATOutput file format. Options include CSV or TSV.
OUTPUT_FILE_NAMEName out output file.
INPUT_COLUMNS_PERSISTList of input columns which should be echoed back in output. Use "*" for all.
OUTPUT_USER_ATTRIBUTEControls if input data should be included in output. true = included, false = omitted.
OUTPUT_ACQUIRED_ATTRIBUTEControls if acquired attributes should be included in output. true = included, false = omitted.
OUTPUT_USER_ASSERTIONSControls if user assertions should be included in output. true = included, false = omitted.
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