API Integration of BioGovID


This guide will show you how to use the AXN Verify API to verify an individual via. BioGovID.



  • Deploy the "BioGovID" Workflow by following the directions here.
  • Obtain the access keys for your new workflow by following the directions here
  • Download and use the BioGovID Postman Collection to try it out

What you'll do:

  • Create a dropdown on your user interface to allow the end user to select whether to send link via Email or Text Message (Step 2).
  • Specify the redirect page your users return to.

Redirect URL


After completing document capture, your users will need to be properly redirected away from your BioGovID interface.

The redirect page they return to is specified by the field asyncUIRedirect.

1. Get Access Token

(POST) https://api.preprod.iddataweb.com/v1/token

API Reference: https://docs.iddataweb.com/reference/auth

This access token is used to authenticate your requests. Place this token in the header of each subsequent request. See the postman project above for examples.

Locate your workflow's access keys

Then, to request an access token:

var axios = require('axios')

var user = 'Your Workflow API Key';
var password = 'Your Workflow Shared Secret';

var base64encodedData = Buffer.from(user + ':' + password).toString('base64');

var request = async () => {
  var response = await axios({
    url: 'https://api.preprod.iddataweb.com/v1/token',
    method: 'post',
    params: {
      grant_type: 'client_credentials'
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
      Authorization: 'Basic ' + base64encodedData


    "errorCode": "",
    "errorDescription": "",
    "access_token": "TjZK7NSjw24AxGK9UhOE9uJDaZT23gKYuUC-9GMTAgLU", // your access token
    "expires_in": "1800",
    "token_type": "Bearer"

2. Get / Send Document Capture Link

(POST) https://api.preprod.iddataweb.com/v1/async-ui/send-link
& (POST) https://api.preprod.iddataweb.com/v1/async-ui/get-link

API Reference: https://docs.iddataweb.com/reference/slverify

Once you've received an access token, you'll use it to send a Document Capture link to your end user.

Using the same API Key as before, prompt the user to select whether to send the link via Email or Text Message. Then, using their selection, make the appropriate request.



You can optionally generate a link and not have it sent to your end user automatically. That way, you can control how this link is provided. See /get-link

To generate and deliver the link automatically, see /send-link

Request: /send-link

var data = {
    "apikey": "Your API Key",
    "credential": "e.g. : employee@company.com",
    "appID":"Your App Name, (e.g. 'Employee Onboarding App')", 
    "country": "US",
    "userAttributes": [
/** -- Only include one of the below options as "userAttributes": [] -- **/

// Option 1: Send Capture Link via. Text Message
// --- start option: 1 ---
          "attributeType": "InternationalTelephone",
          "values": {
          	"dialCode": "1",
          	"telephone": "1234567890"
// --- end option: 1 ---
// Option 2: Send Capture Link via. Email
// --- start option: 2 ---
          "attributeType": "Email",
          "values": {
            "email": "email@address.com"
// --- end option: 2 ---
//You can optionally include additional customer PII as attributes (inside userAttributes)  using the following format:
            "attributeType": "InternationalTelephone",
            "values": {
                "dialCode": "1",
                "telephone": "0000000000"
            "attributeType": "FullName",
            "values": {
                "fname": "",
                "mname": "",
                "lname": ""
// for the list of all accepted attributes, visit: https://docs.iddataweb.com/reference/overview-2

var axios = require('axios')
var token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN' // -- obtained from step 1 --

var request = async () => {
  var response = await axios({
    url: 'https://api.preprod.iddataweb.com/v1/async-ui/send-link',
    method: 'post',
    data: data,
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
      Authorization: 'Bearer ' + token,

Request: /get-link

var data = {
    "apikey": "Your API Key",
    "credential": "e.g. : employee@company.com",
    "appID":"Your App Name, (e.g. 'Employee Onboarding App')", 
    "country": "US",
    "userAttributes": [],
// Note: for /get-link, userAttributes (e.g. email, telephone) are not required,
//  because no link is sent via text,  your response is the link. 
// However, this means that you have to send the user's attributes in the /slverify request later on.

var axios = require('axios')
var token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN' // -- obtained from step 1 --

var request = async () => {
  var response = await axios({
    url: 'https://api.preprod.iddataweb.com/v1/async-ui/get-link',
    method: 'post',
    data: data,
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
      Authorization: 'Bearer ' + token,


/** Depending on the endpoint used  **/

// Response: to  /send-link
    "services": [
            "name": "Incode BioGovID Verification",

             // Creates and delivers link.
            "status": "delivered",

            "apSessionId": "34523008-c5a3-4ca0-93452-2z5mbd10"
    "asi": "4e234574e8-c706-45eb-b648-effdb90ff31a7"

// Response: to  /get-link
    "services": [
            "name": "Incode BioGovID Verification",

            // Returns link instead of delivering it.
            "url": "https://stg.orchestration.incode.net?session_id=9qeZvvG&lang=en",

            "status": "initialized",
            "apSessionId": "c5af5e18-bbff-479f-b721-09b3ce06e754"
    "asi": "3dc24510-c44b-4000-849d-cf7644685aad"

3. Verify

(POST) https://api.preprod.iddataweb.com/v1/slverify

API Reference: https://docs.iddataweb.com/reference/slverify

Lastly, you'll collect the asi (obtained from step 2) and submit it to the endpoint /slverify for a final policy decision.



When your user completes verification, they will be redirected to the Redirect URL you have specified, along with the ASI for their completed user session.

Example: https://www.iddataweb.com/redirect/?asi=6cd23a78-cd52-28e7-sdae-009c3234bb

In your application, expose one /GET endpoint to receive and verify completed user sessions.


const axios = require("axios"); // http-request library

app.get("/redirect", async (request, response) => {
    // Retrieve the ASI obtained from your redirect URL.
    var asi = req.query.asi

    // Slverify payload:
    var data = {
        "credential": "incode",
        "asi": "your_transaction_ID", // -- obtained from step 2 --
        "appID": "",
        "userAttributes": [], // if user attributes were not already collected (via. /send-link), include them here (e.g. full name, telephone).
        "country": "US",
        "idpType": "optional idp type",
        "apikey": "Your API Key"

    var token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'; // -- obtained from step 1 --

    var request = async () => {
        var response = await axios({
            url: "https://api.preprod.iddataweb.com/v1/slverify",
            method: "post",
            body: data,
            headers: {
                "Content-Type": "application/json",
                "Cache-Control": "no-cache",
                Authorization: "Bearer " + token,
        return response.data

    // Lastly, call slverify to receive your user's policy decision.
    var policyDecision = await request().policyDecision;

    // Redirect your user depending on their result.
    if (policyDecision === 'approve') {
        // ... grant the user access

    if (policyDecision === 'deny') {
        // ... deny the user access


    "errorCode": "",
    "errorDescription": "",
    "transaction_id": "76gjhbl9-842c-4d2f-8d43-13c5fb4eff23",
    "userAttributes": null,
    "acquiredAttributes": [
            "provider": "Incode",
            "serviceOffering": "Incode BioGovID Verification",
            "attributeType": "SubmissionTimestamp",
            "dateCreated": "08/17/2023 18:22:41",
            "values": {
                "Timestamp": "17/08/2023 18:22:41"
            "provider": "Incode",
            "serviceOffering": "Incode BioGovID Verification",
            "attributeType": "WorkflowTransactionStageAttempt",
            "dateCreated": "08/17/2023 18:22:41",
            "values": {
                "Count": "1"
            "provider": "Incode",
            "serviceOffering": "Incode BioGovID Verification",
            "attributeType": "WorkflowTransactionStage",
            "dateCreated": "08/17/2023 18:22:41",
            "values": {
                "Stage": "1"
    "userAssertionList": null,
    "mbun": "jvsdahv87876-20a1-4bbc-925b-6ffeb7619ea3",
    "forwardApiKey": "",
    "policyObligation": false,
    "policyDecision": "approve"

If the policyDecision = approve , the user has been approved. Additional information on the SLVerify output(s) can be found here.