Branding your Pages

AXN Admin allows you to fully customize your verification workflow's user interfaces.

Example - Basic UI Changes


To start, open up a service by clicking the options button, and Create a MODIFY Change Request.


Once open, you can now edit your service.

Next, click on the "Theming" tab.


Add your Logo

  • You can add your Logo to the Form Panel.
  • Set "Add a form panel Logo?" to "Yes"
  • Upload your logo
  • Adjust the size and positioning.

From here, you can manage all UI components.

Theming - Tab Descriptions

Tab NameDescription
Layout tabAllows for customization of basic UI.

- General - Add, remove or adjust page headers and footers. Enabling a header or footer will open new tabs for further configuration.
-Style - Text, button and page styling. Includes font, text color, button color, page background (color and image), and Favicon customization.
Action Button tabAllows for customization of the main "Action" button.

- use custom button text
- - Selecting "Yes" will allow you to write custom text for the button.
- - Selecting "No" will allow you to choose from the "Default button text" dropdown.
- Button background color - adjust the background color for the action button.
- Button text color - adjust the text color for the action button.
- Button border radius - adjust curved edges. Higher number - more curve. Soft cap: 40
Panel tabAdjust settings for the main content panel.

- Form panel background color - adjust the background color of the main content tab.
- Add a form panel title?
- - Yes: Introduces new text box beneath logo at top of page, and allows you to specify text.
- - No: disable title.
- Logo file: URL path of the custom logo for this page. To upload, please reach out to your solutions architect.
- Logo position - align the logo on the panel screen.
- Image width & height - change size of logo image.
- Logo alt text - define alternative text for logo image.
- Description text - Description under the "logo" and "title" fields.
Content Slot TabsAllows for customization of images, text and directions around the user input form.

For more details, see the User Form Customization page.
Success PageHandles the transition page between transaction completion and redirect.
- Disabled: no transition (recommended)
- Enabled: Show transition
- - Success page header: Customize "Header" of Success page.
- - Success Text - customize body text of Success Page.
- - Show loading Indicator while waiting?
- - - Yes: Shows loading gif
- - - No: Does not show loading gif.
Error pageAllows for customization of user-facing messages when something goes wrong during a verification transaction.
- Default error page header - Define the title of the error page.
- Generic message - "catch all" message for if something goes wrong on the page.
- Invalid session message - Specific message to handle an invalid session, including timeout. Should indicate to restart the process.
- Back or Refresh Error Header - Defines header to handle cases where user presses "back" or "refresh" on the page (not supported.)
- Back or Refresh error message - The body text to handle a "back" or "refresh" error.
Custom CSSAllows you to fully customize the CSS of the page. To obtain the starting files, please ask your solutions architect.