Workflow Theming

Workflow Theming applies styling to all verification services within a workflow.


Workflow theming can be overridden by Service Level theming, but only when service level theming is present.

Enabling Workflow Level Theming

In Admin, go to Workflows > Your Workflow

Create a modify change request.

Then, open the tab labeled Theming:


  • Layout: The general appearance of each page in a workflow.
  • Header: The Page Header, [represented in blue.]
  • Footer: The Page Footer, [represented in blue]
  • Action Button: The Page Action Button, [Confirm Information]
  • Form Panel: The Main Panel, [center screen]
  • Success Page: Page Shown After Successful Completion
  • Error Page

Custom HTML / CSS

For Workflow level theming, the Header and Footer are the only elements that can be stylized using custom HTML / CSS.