Lexis Nexis Instant ID
Growing your business while satisfying Customer Identification Program (CIP) regulations demands the ability to make effective and efficient decisions on prospective customers.
LexisNexis® InstantID® delivers instant identity verification to drive smarter decisions and keep customer acquisition in focus.
Country support
United States
Available attributes
Full Name
Available Assertions (See table below)
Assertion | Description |
link.fullName_phone | The full name provided matches the full name registered to the provided phone number. |
link.lastName_phone | The last name provided matches the last name registered to the provided phone number. |
link.phone_address | The address provided matches the address registered to the provided phone number. |
test.phone_landline_mobile_personal | The phone type provided is a mobile phone or a fixed voip phone (ex. not a google voice #) |
link.fullName_address | A person with the provided full name lives at the provided address. |
link.lastName_address | A person with the provided last name lives at the provided address. |
test.candidateNoOFACMatchToNameAndDOB | Check if there is an OFAC match to the provided name and dob (match = fail) |
test.watchlist | The identity provided is on a global watchlist (ex. OFAC or FinCEN sanctions) |
link.address_SSN (4 or 9 digit) | The SSN given matches the address given |
link.dob_SSN (4 or 9 digit) | DEPRECATED - Lexis no longer offers direct attribute-to-DOB matching. Use link.dob_candidate instead |
link.fullName_SSN (4 or 9 digit) | The full name given matches the SSN given |
link.name_or_address_to_ssn (4 or 9 digit) | The full name given matches either the full name or address for the SSN given |
Assertions (cont...)
Assertion Name | PASS definition |
test.addressIsResidential | Address provided is registered as a Residential Address |
test.addressIsNotPOBox | Address provided is not a PO Box |
test.addressIsNotBusiness | Address provided is not registered as a business |
test.addressIsVacant | Address provided is not vacant |
test.address_is_current | Address provided is the best/most recent address for the identity |
test.noAddressConflicts | The address given is the most recent address for this person according to their credit file |
test.ssnIsValid | The SSN provided is formatted correctly and exists |
test.ssnNotDeceased | The SSN is not deceased |
test.candidateNotDeceased | The overall identity found for the information provided is not deceased |
test.fraudulentActivityAddress | Check if the provided address has been previously linked to fraud |
test.ssnMatchesNoOthers | The provided SSN and other data points are collectively unlikely to match any other SSN |
link.lastName_DOB | DEPRECATED - Lexis no longer offers direct attribute-to-DOB matching. Use link.dob_candidate instead |
link.dob_candidate | Lexis' algorithms will first resolve the "candidate/subject" and only then check if DOB matches that resolved identity. Must be exact match on month, day and year to PASS. |
Acquired Attributes (additional data returned from Lexis Nexis)
Acquired Attribute | Definition |
RecordLookupType | The primary source where LexisNexis identified the data. •A (Phone Listing) •P (Phone records) •U (Utility records) •S (Customer Network) •I (Internal Proprietary) |
PhoneFirstSeen | First month the phone was reported as active. |
PhoneLastSeen | Last month the phone was reported as active. |
PhoneStatus | Connected, disconnected |
PhoneType | Mobile, pager, business |
BusinessType | Type of business (if address is reported as biz) - Prison - Corporate - Military - Commercial or institutional - Commercial Mailing Agency - PO box |
FlaggedWatchlists | A comma-separated list of all watchlists that were flagged for this identity. |
FlaggedWatchlistsDetails | A comma-separated list of reasons why the identity was on each watchlists. |
LexID | A unique ID for each identity. Similar to SSN but not considered personal information. |
SSNValidityIndicator | •G (Good) •M (Manufactured from other data found) •S (Suppressed) •X (Insufficientinformation) •O (Issued before the subject's DOB) •R (Relative’s SSN) •F (Typographical error) •B (Bad) •U (Unknown) •Z (Possible different owner) |
Updated over 2 years ago