Asurint Criminal Background Check
If you’re looking for just another faceless background check company that can check boxes to add to your vendor list, Asurint is not that. Asurint is powered by a passionate team of real people dedicated to helping you make a difference. While our competition might offshore some of their operations, we rely on our detail-oriented staff to deliver not only real-time results you need but match you with the correct solutions for your challenge from the start. This human resource consulting business isn't for those who only see the bottom line. We champion technology and data and pride ourselves on our compliance practices, accuracy and turnaround times, but what really makes Asurint different is our team of visionaries who never settle. They define who we are, how we got here and how we keep perfecting what we do for you.
Country support
United States
Available attributes
Full Name
Available Assertions (See table below)
Assertion Name | If assertion = PASS |
test.completeBackgroundCheck | This assertion will be FAIL only if 1 of these fails: - test.noMisdemeanors - test.noFelonies - test.noInfractions - test.noCapitalCrimes |
test.fiveYearBackgroundCheck | 5 year "look back" was run |
test.tenYearBackgroundCheck | 10 year "look back" was run |
test.noMisdemeanors | No misdemeanors were found over the "look back" period at a STATE level |
test.noFelonies | No felonies were found over the "look back" period at a STATE level |
test.noInfractions | No infractions were found over the "look back" period at a STATE level |
test.noCapitalCrimes | No capital crimes were found over the "look back" period at a STATE level |
Available Acquired Attributes (additional data returned in response)
Acquired Attribute | Definition |
Days in Order Creation Date | The day the request was submitted |
Days in Order Completion Date | The day the request was completed |
Candidate Full Name | Full name of individual |
SSN Full | SSN (if provided) |
Product Name | Data source where record was found |
Case Number | Case number where record was found |
Normalized Offense Level | Different states classify offense levels differently so this is a standardized naming convention for the offense level (misdemeanor, felony etc.) |
Normalized Offense Description | Different states classify offense levels differently so this is a standardized naming convention for the offense description (domestic battery, DUI etc.) |
Offense Description | State-specific description of the offense |
File Date | Date of offense |
Case Disposition Date | |
Offense Disposition Date | |
Disposition | |
Case Disposition | |
Offense Disposition | Convicted, pending, guilty etc. |
Updated about 3 years ago