Workflow Report

The Workflow Report shows key metrics of your workflow activity. The workflow report summarizes all of your statistics every hour on the half hour, thus is meant as a lookback over time, instead of a real time report. For real time reports, please see the Transaction Report.

Accessing the Workflow Report

To access the workflow report, click on "Workflow" on the left navigation menu.


Workflow Report Filter

A filter is provided for you to find the specific workflow you are looking for.


Filter Description

Filter NameRequired?Filter Description
Time RangeYesTime period of the report. The dropdown offers some preset options, or you can choose "Custom" and set your own range using the start / end date to the right.
WorkflowYesThe workflow to be evaluated.
App IDNoAllows you to filter for a specific App ID.
CountryNoAllows you to select one or all countries for evaluation.

Pass Rates

These graphs show the results of users who completed the process. If a user was approve across any of their attempts, they will be counted towards "Approved". These graphs help visualize the final outcomes of the workflow.


Completion Rates

These graphs show the results of all users who attempted the process. If a user was approved or denied across any attempt, they will be counted towards "Complete." These graphs help visualize the users' ability and willingness to complete a verification workflow.