AuthenticID - US Driver's License Verification
International Government Issued ID Verification & Biometrics
AuthenticID fuses state-of-the-art identity authentication with real-time identity data analytics to allow you to segment your customers by opportunity value.
We do this with frictionless consumer friendly mobile technology in a lightning-fast 20 seconds, leveraging the automated technologies of machine learning and neural networks.
- Advanced patent-pending digital tamper detection
- Forensic authentication of government-issued ID documents for 192 countries
- Market-leading FR selfie match against identification document photo
- Biometric enrollment to bind various biometrics to authenticated identity for continual authenticated login use cases
- Patent-pending liveness detection to prevent selfie spoofing
Country support
192 countries across multiple document types
Available attributes
Drivers License Images
Camera Snapshot
Full Name
Driver's License Number
Available Assertions
test.driversLicenseVerified | Pass if the overall verification of the driver’s license was successful. Will return Fail if any significant tests return FAIL below. |
link.fullName_driversLicense | Pass if the input Full Name (entered by user or federated from the identity provider) matches that which is extracted from the front/barcode of the Driver’s license. |
link.dOB_driversLicense | Pass if the input DOB (entered by user or federated from the identity provider) matches that which is extracted from the front/barcode of the Driver’s license. |
test.selfiePhotoIntegrityVerified | Pass if the selfie image has not been altered or adjusted. Fail if there are any issues detected. |
Test.driversLicenseRearIDRecieved | Pass if an image was submitted for the back of the driver’s license. |
test.driversLicenseBackDPIResolutionVerified | Pass if the input image meets the minimum requirements for “dots per inch”, aka DPI. Fail if the image does not meet minimum quality requirements. |
test.idFacialComparisonVerified | Pass if the face on the driver’s license front image matches the submitted selfie. |
test.driversLicenseBlurOrOcclusionCheck | Pass if no blur or blockage of the image are detected. Will fail if image is overly blurry, or if there are foreign objects in the image (for example, a finger blocking some of the document.) |
test.driversLicenseBiographicSpliceCheck | Pass if no changes have been made to the person’s image on the ID. Fail if it appears that the image has been swapped out or altered in any way. |
test.driversLicenseNotExpired | Pass if driver’s license is not currently expired. Fail if the driver’s license is expired. |
test.selfieColorAnalysisVerified | Pass if the color analysis of the document matches that of the country and year on record. Will fail if grayscale, or if the image has been altered. |
test.driversLicenseBiometricTamperCheck | Pass if no changes have been made to the person’s image on the ID. Fail if it appears that the image has been swapped out or altered in any way. |
test.driversLicenseBarcodeVerified | Pass if image of back of license barcode was usable by the OCR engine. Fail if there was an issue with the image. |
test.selfieMinimumSizeCheck | Pass if the images submitted meet the minimum required size for the image. |
test.driversLicenseBiometricSpliceCheck | Pass if no changes have been made to the person’s image on the ID. Fail if it appears that the image has been swapped out or altered in any way. |
test.driversLicenseFrontDPIResolutionVerified | Pass if the input image meets the minimum requirements for “dots per inch”, aka DPI. Fail if the image does not meet minimum quality requirements. |
test.driversLicenseDOBVerified | Pass if DOB on document is reasonable compared to the other dates on the document. Will Fail if the DOB does not make sense in comparison with the other dates. |
test.driversLicenseBiographicTamperCheck | Pass if no modifications were made to the photo or the data on the image. Will fail if it appears modifications have been made to the text or the face picture. |
test.selfieNaturalCaptureVerified | Pass if the selfie is naturally captured. Will fail if it is photoshopped, cropped, filtered or doctored in any way. |
test.driversLicenseFrontScreenPhotoCheck | Pass if image of driver’s license was captured naturally. Fail if transaction is either a digital, reproduced or paper submission. Will also fail if the image is a picture of a screen. |
test.driversLicenseDigitalReproductionCheck | Pass if the image was not determined to contain a digital reproduction of a driver’s license (manipulated in any way.) |
test.selfieImageRecieved | Pass if the selfie image was received to the system. Fail if there was an issue getting the image to the system. |
test.driversLicenseFacialPhotoUsable | Pass if the picture of the face was submitted, passes face detection, and can be compared against the driver’s license image. |
test.driversLicenseVisualAuthenticityVerified | Pass if the driver’s license appears to be an authentic document without spoofing or alteration. Will fail if alterations are detected. |
test.driversLicenseIssueDateVerified | Pass if the issue date in reasonable in comparison with the other dates on the card. Will Fail if it appears the date has been altered. |
test.driversLicenseFrontColorVerified | Pass if the colors detected on the front of the license match that which is on record for the input state and year. |
test.driversLicenseTinyOcclusionCheck | Pass if no modifications were made to the text on the ID. Fail if small modifications were made to the text, for example DOB or Full Name. |
test.selfieCredentialDetectorCheck | Pass if selfie is naturally captured. Fail if there is an indication of a selfie spoof (unnaturally captured selfie, altered in any way.) |
test.driversLicenseExpiryDateVerified | Pass if driver’s license is not currently expired. Fail if the driver’s license is expired. |
link.fullName_passport | The person with the provided full name matches the name on the passport |
Updated over 5 years ago